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"I was faced with a case that I was sure to be looking at jail time. I was suppose to be leaving very shortly after being stopped by the police to a new job out of state. If it was not for attorney Marc Curtis I would not have made it to my new job. He got the case settled on Fines and cost and was on my way. Attorney Curtis had all the respect of all court staff and Judges. I Would hire him again absolutely and would highly recommend him." - Former Client

"Marc is a straight shooter who will lay everything out on the table, and then tell you exactly what to expect. He is honest and fair. I hope to never be in need of his services ever again; but, if I find myself in a position that I do, I know exactly who to call first." - Former Client

"Being the first time ever having to deal with council and the legal process, I was very apprehensive regarding my representation.

I must confess that right up to the hearing date, I had reservations about what to expect, but confidence, due to the fact that you had thoroughly explained in detail the situation throughout each step of the process.  Your expertise, and representation at the hearing was exceptional. I was MORE than well represented. I felt I was:


Personal, Singular, Particular.

In a definition, “ Special"

To say that you came “highly recommended” is continued in the representation that I received. I hope not to need further representation in legal matters, but if the case ever would arise, I will be back in contact with your office. I would highly recommend your services to others dealing with legal concerns."

- Former Client

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